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Changes to the Rules of Procedure of the Pre-Vetting Commission, in order to implement the amendments to Law 26/2022
The Pre-Vetting Commission informs that it has made changes to its Rules of Procedure in order to implement the amendments...
Resumed evaluation concluded for judge Marina Rusu, candidate for CSM
The Pre-Vetting Commission announces that it has concluded the resumed evaluation of judge Marina Rusu, a judicial candidate for the...
Clarifications regarding the candidate’s evaluation materials
In view of recent legislative amendments regarding the pre-vetting process, the Independent Commission for Evaluating Integrity of Candidates for Members...
Pre-Vetting Commission resumes the evaluation process for the candidate Ecaterina BUZU following the decision of the Supreme Court of Justice
The Evaluation Commission for assessing the integrity of candidates for the position of member in the self-administration bodies of judges...
Resumed evaluation concluded for judge Alexei Paniș, candidate for CSM
The Pre-Vetting Commission announces that it has concluded the resumed evaluation of judge Alexei Paniș, a judicial candidate for the...
Pre-Vetting Commission concluded the resumed evaluation of judge Vladislav Holban, candidate for CSM
The Pre-Vetting Commission announces that it has concluded the resumed evaluation of judge Vladislav Holban, a judicial candidate for the...
Finalized evaluation for judge Veronica Cupcea, candidate for CSM and CSM Board for the selection and evaluation of judges
The Pre-Vetting Commission announces that it has concluded the resumed evaluation of judge Veronica Cupcea, a judicial candidate for the...