The Pre-Vetting Commission announces the result of the evaluation regarding four candidates for the position of member of the SCM, from among the career judges. Two decisions of promotion and two of non-promotion of the integrity assessment were sent to the candidates concerned and to the institution responsible for organizing the competition.
According to the Commission, Vasile Șchiopu, judge at the Ungheni Court and candidate for the CSM, and Sergiu Caraman, judge at the Criuleni Court and candidate for the SCM and in the Performance Evaluation Bourd of judges, meet the criteria of financial integrity and ethics, and thus, promote the evaluation. As for the candidates Sergiu Osoianu, judge at the Straseni Court, and Ecaterina Buzu, judge at the Orhei Court, the Commission decided that they do not promote the evaluation.
If the candidates do not notify the Commission about their refusal to publish the decisions within 48 hours of their transmission, they will be published in full on the website of the SCM and on the Commission’s website.
According to art. 14 para. 1) and 2) of Law. 26/2022 on some measures related to the selection of candidates for the position of member of the self-administration bodies of judges and prosecutors, the decisions of the Commission may be appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice, within 5 days from the reception, without observing the prior procedure.
Follow the interviews with the candidates on our Youtube channel and on the Commission’s website.
- Video recordings from the hearings, in Romanian
- Video recordings from the hearings, in English
So far, 5 candidates for positions in the SCM, out of the 28 career judges registered in the competition, have promoted the Commission’s evaluation in terms of integrity, 12 have been disqualified by not promoting the evaluation and can no longer participate in the competition, and 11 candidates are waiting for the Commission’s decisions.