The Pre-Vetting Commission announces the results on evaluation of judges Stanislav Sorbalo, from the Balti Court, Victor Sandu, from the Chisinau Court, Centre Office and Natalia Clevadî, from the Chișinau Court, Buiucani Office. According to the Commission, the three judges, candidates for positions in the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), failed the evaluation. Judge Sorbalo is also running for membership of the Disciplinary Board of Judges.
The result is included in the reasoned decisions, which have been sent to the candidates. If the candidates don’t notify the Commission of their refusal to publish the decisions within 48 hours after the decisions were sent, these will be posted on the website of the SCM and the Pre-Vetting Commission in a depersonalized form, except for the surname and first name of the candidate that remain public.
The Commission members made their decisions based on information gathered in the evaluation process, including from written communication with candidates and from the hearings. It should be noted that candidate Natalia Clevadi requested to be evaluated without participating in the public interview.
The Commission’s decisions may be appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice within 5 days of receipt, without prior procedure, according to art. 14 para. (1) and (2) of Law No. 26/2022.
So far, 5 candidates for positions in the SCM out of the 23 remaining in the competition, have promoted the Commission’s evaluation in terms of integrity, 14 have been disqualified by not promoting the evaluation and can no longer participate in the competition, and 4 candidates are waiting for the Commission’s decisions.