12 non-judicial candidates with professional experience in the field of law or other relevant field have been submitted by the Parliament for membership of the Superior Council of Magistracy and are evaluated by the Pre-Vetting Commission on their financial and ethical integrity. So far, two candidates failed the evaluation because they did not submit their 5-year declaration on time, two others withdrew from the competition, thus failing the evaluation.
The Pre-Vetting Commission announces that Ludmila Ouș, candidate for the position of member of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), from the list proposed by the Parliament, has withdrawn from the competition, thus failing the evaluation. The Commission’s decision was sent to the candidate and to the institution responsible for organizing the competition, in this case Parliament.
The decision can be appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice within 5 days of receipt. Ludmila Ouș has 48 hours to inform the Commission whether she accepts the publication of the reasoned decision. The Commission will publish the decision on its website if the candidate does not object to publication.