Resumed evaluation concluded for judge Alexei Paniș, candidate for CSM

The Pre-Vetting Commission announces that it has concluded the resumed evaluation of judge Alexei Paniș, a judicial candidate for the membership in the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM). According to the Commission, the candidate failed the resumed evaluation, as he does not meet the financial and ethical integrity criteria. The decision was sent today to the candidate and the SCM, the institution responsible for organizing the contest.

The decision on the resumed evaluation will be made public only with the consent of candidate, who has 48 hours to inform the Commission if he agrees or opposes publication of the decision. If no such notification is sent to the Commission, the decision will be published on the Commission’s website, in a depersonalized form, in Romanian and English. Judge Alexei Paniș was interviewed in a public hearing within the resumed evaluation on 16 April 2024 and 7 June 2024.

After the issuance of the Supreme Court of Justice’s decisions on 1 August 2023 and 29 January 2024 ordering the re-evaluation of 22 candidates for membership in the Superior Council of Magistracy and the Superior Council of Prosecutors, so far, the Pre-Vetting Commission has concluded/terminated the re-evaluation of 20 candidates. Out of them, one candidate passed, 18 candidates failed (including three candidates on the grounds of withdrawal from the competition during the re-evaluation) and in one case, the Commission terminated the re-evaluation process. The Commission is currently carrying out the resumed evaluation of two candidates for membership in the SCM.