Public statement relating to the resignation of Commission’s member Tatiana Răducanu

The Pre-Vetting Commission has taken note of recent public statements issued by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office relating to Tatiana Răducanu, member of the Commission.

The Pre-Vetting Commission has also taken note of the intention expressed by Tatiana Răducanu to resign from her position as member of the Commission, in light of these statements. It is for the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova to decide upon the request for resignation of Tatiana Răducanu.

The Pre-Vetting Commission expresses its hope and expectation that the allegations brought against Tatiana Răducanu will be thoroughly investigated by competent national authorities in full compliance with due process principles, including the presumption of innocence, as laid down in Moldovan law and international human rights standards.

The Pre-Vetting Commission will continue its work and will finalise ongoing resumed evaluation proceedings within the shortest time possible, in conformity with its mandate as provided by Law No. 26/2022.